Doctor says everyone is making toilet mistake that could be bad for your health

A dermatologist has quite literally lifted the lid on an accepted toilet mistake we all continue to make.

We all have our own toilet routine and quite often when we go and take a s**t there's not much of a thought process going on.
Sit down, take a dump, wipe, wash hands (very important) and that's pretty much it.

However, it would seem that even our bathroom has some rules to it - ranging from how you hang your toilet roll to even how many times you wipe after doing a number two.

But according to Dr Scott Walter (@denverskindoc) - who practices at The Hill Center for Dermatology in Colorado, US - he suggests taking replacing the wiping step and adding something a lot more beneficial to your health.

Taking to TikTok, he asked for his followers to 'hear him out' even if they 'think it's awkward or gross to talk about'.

Might be time to ditch the toilet roll (Getty Stock Images)

In his video, he goes over the benefits of using a bidet instead of just toilet paper, adding: "To put it simply, would you ever consider cleaning your dirty hands with a dry paper towel?

"Exactly, that's what we're doing when we're using toilet paper. It's a dirty area and we're using a dry paper to clean.

"Now, in addition to being more environmentally friendly, which I think is great, bidets actually have proven health benefits, so let's get into those."

Dr Walter continued: "Number one, they offer enhanced hygiene. They clean the skin better and leave less bacteria behind.

"And as a dermatologist, they're much kinder to the skin down there and provide much less irritation compared to toilet paper.

A bidet could be the way forward (Getty Stock Images)

"This is great for people already prone to issues down there, such as rashes, fissures or even haemorrhoids.

"And last, they've actually been shown to decrease the incidence of UTIs (Urinary tract infections) in women due to less bacterial transfer.

"I got my first one a few years ago and it's hard to imagine now life without.

"And the good news is they're affordable. So even if you just want to try them out, it's not a big investment.

"Just think about all the money you're going to save on toilet paper."

People were quick to issue their response in the comments below.

Writing in the comments, one person agreed: "#teambidet forever! I can’t believe I ever didn’t have one. Under $40 for the basic model and not tough to install."

Though, a second viewer wondered: "I don't get how it's good for the environment. You get wet from it, how do you dry up?"

To which Dr Walter clarified: "Some have built in air dryers. But still use maybe a tenth of the normal tp (toilet paper) if drying with that."

So there you have it. Forget the wiping and welcome the spraying.

Updated 07:21 29 Aug 2024 GMT+1Published 21:00 28 Aug 2024 GMT+1
Heart doctor says there are 3 types of food and drink he ‘really tries to avoid’ that aren’t good for your health
How common are these items in your diet?

A heart doctor has revealed the three types of food and drink that he tries to cut down on in his day-to-day diet.

By now we're all well aware that the our favourite foods are usually the ones that aren't the healthiest for us. It's one of the more devastating realisations of life, especially as processed foods are specifically designed to taste so good.

However, if you're looking to make healthier choices or you're concerned about your health then read on, as cardiologist Dr David Wild spoke about the three types of food and drink which he 'really tries' to avoid in a recent TikTok video.

And one of them may surprise you.

How common are these foods in your diet? (Getty Stock Image)
Processed meats

The first of the three items on Dr Wild's list was the most unsurprising of them all, being processed meats.

Explaining the reason for this, he began: "Things like bacon, sausage, salami, hotdogs. They're all loaded with calories, saturated fats and salts which are bad for the heart.

"In addition they contain nitrates which have been linked to certain types of cancers."

Dr Wild's advice is also backed up by research the World Health Organisation (WHO) who have classified processed meats as a Group 1 carcinogen, which is the same classification as alcohol and tobacco.

Processed meats refers to meat products that are 'not sold fresh' and have instead been through a preservation process such as curing, salting, smoking.
Baked goods

Highlighting items such as cookies, cakes and croissants, for their high sugar content, Dr Wild said: "Having too much of it can be really unhealthy for the heart."

Advice from the British Heart Foundation states there is nothing wrong which consuming 'some sugar' in your diet and advises the average of 30g of sugar a day for adults.


Wild advises that baked goods, such as cakes and pastries, should be enjoyed in moderation (Getty Stock Image)

Guidelines also specify that it's 'added sugars' we should cut back, as natural sugars can often contain nutritional benefits, such as vitamins and minerals.

The British Heart Foundation also has advice on how to make baked goods healthier, such as baking with unsaturated fats and using fruits and sweet vegetables in order to cut back on sugar.
Fruit smoothies

The most surprising of the three items on the list was fruit smoothies. Now most of us may opt for a green juice or a strawberry and banana smoothie as a healthy option, however Dr Wild explained these blended drinks can contain high amounts of sugar.

"I know they sound great and healthy as it contains the word fruit in it, but think about how many fruits you have to crush up to make one giant smoothie, that makes it loaded up with sugar," he said.

Dr Wild added that the process of making a smoothie 'eliminates' the fruits of their fibre, which is 'healthy for the heart'.

Dr Wild was keen to stress that he's not advising everyone to cut out these items entirely from their diets but instead to be mindful about how much of them you're eating on a daily basis.

"Moderation is key but cutting back as much as possible on these foods will be good for your heart," he added in the caption.Featured Image Credit: theheartdoc/TikTok/Getty Stock Image

Doctor shares five subtle signs on your hands that can indicate serious health issues
Your hands might be trying to point towards a health problem

While it would be lovely to be able to know exactly what was going on with our bodies, things are not that simple.

Fortunately, sickness does give off certain signals which health experts can pick up on.

The hands are a rather expressive part of our body and there are ways they can try to tell you things aren't how they should be.

There's a number of times when your own paws ought to give you pause for thought, according to a doctor.

Dr Donald Grant, a senior clinical advisor at The Independent Pharmacy, told YahooLife that there were five features of your hands which could provide a window into your health.

Listen to your fingernails, they have such things to tell you. (Getty Stock Photo)
Nailing it

The doctor explained that you want to be keeping an eye on your fingernails, especially for small dents on the surface of the nail or any potential yellowing.

These could be a sign of the nail potentially crumbling, or of a fungal infection or some other long term health condition.

Plenty of things about your nails might point towards a problem with health, so it's best to be on the looking for what your extremities are telling you.

Your skin suddenly changing colour quite significantly is a warning sign. (Getty Stock Photo)
The truth is skin-deep

Dr Grant said that the texture and colour of your skin could change quite dramatically when you're unwell.

He spoke about a skin condition which causes your palms to turn red and carry a burning sensation called Palmar Erythema.

Meanwhile, dry patches could indicate things like eczema, an allergic reaction or the lack of proper vitamins.

Cracking your knuckles won't destroy your joints, but you should pay attention to them. (Getty Stock Photo)
Out of joint

You know when you crack your knuckles and it makes that noise? Don't worry, it's not going to give you arthritis despite what you might have heard.

However, you should pay attention to your joints and how stiff they're getting as that could be a sign of arthritis, there could be some swelling and pain as well which robs your hands of the dexterity they once possessed.

The doc said you could manage the pain with things like ibuprofen and the right exercises could alleviate the stiffness.

If your hands are suddenly rather cold then it could be a problem. (Getty Stock Photo)
A cold grasp of things

You will no doubt have met some people who had very cold hands, or perhaps they were very recently in a cold place when they met you and normally they're fine.

However, if you're going through a dramatic temperature change then Dr Grant said it could be a sign of 'poor circulation' or anaemia.

He said: "Aside from anaemia, cold hands may also indicate an underlying health condition such as diabetes or blood clots.

"If you experience a long-lasting change in hand temperature, it may be best to seek additional medical advice."

Best to listen to a doctor when it comes to matters of health.

Do beware the dreaded sausage digits. (Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images)
Chonky sausage fingers

We've all had a good chuckle at King Charles' meaty fingers, though apparently the sovereign is in on the joke.

If your fingers are suddenly getting wider then this could be a sign of pulmonary fibrosis, a kind of lung disease, warned Dr Grant.

He said it could also be a sign of sickle cell disease, tuberculosis or an infection, and advised people to seek medical advice if their fingers were rapidly changing shape.

Dentist shares common mistake a lot of people make that makes your teeth ‘appear more yellow’
You'd be surprised at how many people don't know about this simple oral hygiene rule

A dentist has uncovered a mistake that a lot of people are guilty of making when it comes to cleaning their teeth - and it might not be what you think.

Keeping your teeth clean and healthy takes effort and time - twice a day to be exact, two minutes each time.

It's a nice feeling too, getting rid of that horrible morning breath or getting rid of all those pesky food particles, and it of course reduces the chances of you getting cavities or running into gum problems.

You should keep tabs on this one thing while cleaning your teeth. (Getty Stock Photos)

But apparently, there's something that too many people do that could cost them their oral health, and you may not have had the thought until it's too late.

Dental experts around the world have realised this problem, and are urging to act now if you're a culprit of it.

Life can get busy after all, so getting things in our routine without thinking twice about it is quite easy to do - though some dentists have taken to social media to speak about the oral health worry.

A dental hygienist at Chelsea Dental Clinic has posted a short video on TikTok, explaining the problems that come with not knowing when it's time to replace your toothbrush.

It's a shock because a lot of people don't have an idea of an exact timeframe or lifespan of a toothbrush.

The hygienist reveals all though, explaining: "Regardless of whether you have an electric or manual brush, you need to be changing your brush head at least every three months.

"The best way to tell if you need to change your brush is to hold it up and, from the back, if you can see the bristles splaying out - that means you need a new head," she revealed.

She also highlighted that if your brush is wearing down quicker than it should, it could mean you're brushing too hard.

The expert said: "If you're scrubbing too hard with your toothbrush, this can lead to loss of enamel - which can make your teeth appear more yellow - or you can get recession, which is where the gum shrinks away. Neither of these look particularly attractive and can also cause lots of other problems."

Checking the bristles on your toothbrush can indicate when it's time to get a new one. (Getty Stock Photo)

You might think that there's no such thing as brushing your teeth too much or too often, but this is a possibility and even brings about a number of issues if you're not careful.

Not only will worn away enamel reveal yellow teeth, but your chompers could also become more sensitive to different temperatures and sensations.

According to the NHS, you should stick to this three-month rule, as studies show that toothbrushes are less effective at removing plaque after this period of time, meaning you're leaving some of the bad particles behind.

It also means that you could be going around with bad breath, increasing the chance of cavities and at the most extreme, gum disease.

Expert says common ‘knee up’ sleeping position could be impacting your health
A sleep expert and physiotherapist has revealed why your sleep position can affect more than just your sleeping.

Getting your full eight hours of sleep might not be beneficial if you're sleeping in the wrong position, an expert has revealed.

Don't get me wrong, having between six and eight hours is important, while having just four or five hours is certainly not good.

"Studies have shown again and again that the optimal amount of sleep is between six and eight hours a night, preferably at least seven," Dr Dan Friederich of St. Louis, Missouri explains.

"If you go more than nine hours it's also bad for your health. But sleeping less than five is the worst thing you could possibly be doing," the award-winning eye care doctor said.

"Increased mortality all across the board, cardiovascular disease, all types of diseases are associated with sleeping that little."

Now, if you are getting your hours in, make sure you're sleeping in the best position.

Sammy Margo, a sleep expert and physiotherapist, says that the 'freefaller knee up' position - in which you lie on your front with your hands up near your head and one leg cocked to the side - can result in hip problems as it puts unnecessary strain on your front. It also puts pressure on your back.

But it's the 'freefaller' position - which is pretty much the same but without the bent leg - that is the worst according to Margo.

She told The Sun: "Probably the worst position anyone can sleep in, this could leave you with a lifetime of back and neck problems.

"Your lower back bends in towards the mattress, which means it becomes hyper-extended, squashing structures and reducing the space in the lower back area, which may cause aches and pains such as sciatica, knee pain and cramps."

Margo says if you struggle to nod off in any other position then you should use a pillow under your stomach and another under your shins to help take some of the strain off your body.

Meanwhile, the 'foetal' position - on your side curled up - can give you a bit of a sore neck if you're not properly supporting your head with pillows. She also reckons having your face squished against a pillow for hours on end could cause wrinkles.

Margo added: "This position is still better for you than lying on your stomach, but add a pillow between knees to keep hips neutral."

Next up, the 'soldier' position - which sees the sleeper lying on their back with their arms by their sides.

Margo says this is a bad sleep position for snorers or those with sleep apnoea, and it can also exacerbate acid reflux or heartburn as well as aggravating lower back pain.

She suggests sleeping with a pillow under you knees to try and reduce strain.

If you sleep in the 'starfish' position, on your back with your arms and legs spread, then you might be making yourself more susceptible to nightmares, according to Margo.

Meanwhile, people who sleep in the 'log' position, on their side with arms and legs straight down, might end up with shoulder pains.

item Doctor says everyone is making toilet mistake that could be bad for your health
Doctor says everyone is making toilet mistake that could be bad for your health
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