'Deadpool Killer' Wade Wilson made a morbid request to the court after receiving death sentence

'Deadpool Killer' Wade Wilson learned on Tuesday that he has been sentenced to death for the brutal murders of two Florida women.

Back in October of 2019, Wilson - now 30 - strangled Melton to death the morning after they met in a bar. Later that same day, he brutally beat, strangled, and repeatedly ran over Ruiz with his car after asking her for directions as she walked to work.

Prosecutors told the court how Melton had been killed in her own home before he stole her car.

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A testimony from the trial also revealed that Wilson repeatedly ran over Ruiz "until she looked like spaghetti", per the New York Post.

During the sentencing, Circuit Judge Nicholas Thompson described the killings as "heinous, atrocious and cruel".

Assistant State Attorney Andreas Gardiner had previously told the court: "This case was about killing for the sake of the killing [...] Strangulation is the epitome of life slipping through someone’s hands."

In both cases, jurors ruled in favor of the death penalty, with Judge Thompson saying that he sees "no basis" to overrule the decision.

However, after learning of his fate, Wilson - who shares the same name of the popular Marvel anti-hero - made a request via his legal team.

Kristine Melton. Credit: Cape Coral Police Department

Diane Ruiz. Credit: Cape Coral Police Department

After Judge Thompson asked the courtroom if their were any final issues to discuss before he closed the case for good, Wilson's lawyer stood up.

"I understand [Wilson] has other cases pending here and elsewhere," the killer's lawyer said. "But Mr Wilson asked me to ask the court within whatever authority you have to get him to death row as soon as possible."

The "other cases" the attorney was referring to include an unrelated attempted to escape from jail. With these outstanding charges in place, no execution date has been set.

Wilson is expected back in court on September 16 in relation to the other cases against him.

Following the sentencing, State Attorney Amira Fox told reporters that Wilson will now pay "the ultimate price" for his crimes.

"I've been doing this 34 years, and I have to say I have never seen someone as evil as Wade Wilson," she said.

And per Fox News, Diane Ruiz's father, Felix Ruiz, responded to the sentencing by saying: "This is not the end. The end is when the accused takes his last breath and I will be there at the execution. That's a promise."

Our thoughts continue to go out to the family and loved ones of Kristine Melton and Diane Ruiz at this time.

deepnews.store: 'Deadpool Killer' Wade Wilson made a morbid request to the court after receiving death sentence
'Deadpool Killer' Wade Wilson made a morbid request to the court after receiving death sentence
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